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At the end of each month, we look to organise something for the team to show appreciation for their hard work – this may be in the form of a wine in the office or downstairs at East End Cellars, or it may be something a little alternative and different… every month changes 😊 one of our Founder, Anna’s, favourite traditions is venturing up to Kuitpo Forest for picking mushrooms and gathering around a bonfire to cook sausages and marshmallows. So, our activity for the end of the month of May, was just that. Last Friday, we headed up to the Adelaide Hills for lunch, followed by mushroom picking in the forest. 

It is widely accepted and promoted that team building is fundamental to culture and the ultimate success of a business. While it’s a concept that easily recognisable actually doing it successfully is hard, and takes commitment and diligence. Furthermore, workplaces now need a curated approach to hiring, workplace policy and activation to ensure that their people and culture grow in a positive and collaborative way.

“We are Family” is a core value of the ROUSSOS business that we TRY and adopt in everything we do. TRY is a key word because we have learned that intent is sometimes more important than execution or outcome. We invest heavily in our team with time, with resources, with opportunity and with energy to allow an open platform for them to come to work in an environment where that can individually and collectively thrive both personally and professionally.

The idea of team building (or building a team) is one of the things we love most about what we do and includes an equal amount of understanding, appreciating, developing and maximising the people in our teams and to ensure a unified group that shares an alignment in values. It is not about forcing values on anyone, it’s about linking what’s important to each individual in some way to whats important to the team. 

At ROUSSOS, we are invested in trying new activities and adopting new initiatives that generate good energy amongst employees, which then feeds through to the business and the way we interact with candidate and client partners. Effective team building results in more engaged employees, which is great for company culture. 

We need to ensure our teams are feeling appreciated and it is key to continue to source new and innovative ways to keep the excitement levels high. There are proven benefits in creating opportunities for people to connect and interact in meaningful ways outside of the office on a regular workday. A team that works well together performs and excels – it improves company culture and fosters creativity and innovation in the workplace.